Tuesday 29 March 2011

Week 1 (28.02 ~ 06.03)

First week in uni, I attended a compulsory excursion to the beach. While admiring the landscape and making new friends 3 exercises were completed. We were split into 3 groups in order to complete each exercise. Still life sketching, where we were instructed, using different methods and techniques, to draw a water carrier. This trained our eyes and developed techniques for accurate sketching. Secondly we were taught a hip hop routine, and finally out onto the beach, where we use our view finder to sketch the landscape. Both close up, detailed drawings and landscapes were achieved. 


Then we grouped back together and had lunch. While enjoying provided lunch we discussed our next task. Forming a group of 4 girls, Christine, Christina, Tina and I agreed upon the basics of the dimond shaped kite, adding the elements of bat wings to improve the aerodynamics. Using the provided materials of bamboo sticks, wooden sticks, sticky tape and string, our kite was constructed. 

After all the kites were constructed, we went back onto the beach and a competition was held to find the most successful design. Ours successfully won the competition =]. Overall, it was an exciting day filled with learning and socializing.